Thursday, June 26, 2008

CBR Weapons and WMD Terrorism News- June 25, 2008

Duct tape, Biohazard labs, and Q fever
“Every once in awhile we read about a breech in the security of biomedical laboratories. Sometimes these are serious, such as when the Ebola like Marburg virus outbreak in German lab workers that killed seven people in 1967. But many barely make the front pages. The latest outbreak from biomedical laboratories occurred at the esteemed CDC laboratory in
Atlanta last year, when several people came down with Q fever.” (Blogger News Network; 25June08; Nancy Reyes)

Morphotek to develop bio-warfare therapy
“The U.S. Defense Department has contracted Morphotek Inc. to further develop antibody therapies for soldiers exposed to microbial biological weapons.
Pennsylvania-based Morphotek was awarded $1.7 million in funding support to continue development of biologic-based monoclonal antibody therapies. Officials say the therapies are an effort to develop therapeutic mAbs to treat diseases threatening soldiers when exposed to biological warfare pathogens.” (UPI; 24June08)

Smiths Detection Launches Smart Trigger for Biological Agent Detection
“Smiths Detection, part of the global
technology business Smiths Group, today announced the launch of SmartBio(TM) Sensor (SBS), a real-time detector for biological agents or airborne toxins. SBS provides a visual or audio alarm when a bio-threat is detected and classifies the agent by threat category.” (Centre Daily; 25June08)

Training course on implementation of CWC concluded
“A training course on implementation of Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) was concluded here on Wednesday. The two-day course, which was organized by the National Committee for Banning Chemical, Biological and Poisonous Weapons (NCBCBPW) in cooperation with the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), aimed at elaborating capabilities of 30 participants of customs employees on dealing with chemical substances used in chemical weapons industry.” (Saba News; 25June08)

Opening Address at the Global Biological-Chemical Training Event [Patricia A. McNerney, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, International Security and Nonproliferation]
“I want to join in thanking each of you for taking the time to participate in this important training conference. I know that many of you have traveled a great distance to be here today, and that each of you has an essential role to play in further promoting chemical and biological safety and
security. I applaud your interest and proactive collaboration. I also thank our local hosts in Thailand, who continue to provide an invaluable resource for these regional events, as well as our Embassy staff and technical trainers, without whom this event would not be possible.” (State Department; 24June08)

Cell’s inner workings described
“He lived in Luton, north of London. Other than that, Mohammed Junaid Babar knew him only as ‘Q.’ Babar, a key witness in the Khawaja
terrorism trial, testified yesterday that in the summer of 2003 this man, known only by an initial, sent young Islamic radicals to Pakistan on ‘fact-finding missions.’ […] There were also lessons in poisoning, with Babar keeping ‘a little seed’ of ricin in his house.” (Winnipeg Sun; 25June08; Donna Casey)

Tests for poison leave Bangladeshi lawyers hooked
“The visiting Bangladeshi attorneys were certainly kept entertained when they arrived to observe proceedings in the Ennis conspiracy to murder trial in the Central
Criminal Court. As the trial of Sharon Collins and Essam Eid entered its sixth week, the jury heard details of interviews with the two accused, laboratory tests for ricin poison, as well as ‘disputed charges’ on an American Express credit card registered to Clare businessman PJ Howard.”
(Herald; 24June08)

military arsenal finishes weapons destruction [Bluff Arsenal, Arkansas]
“A simple message in white paint adorned the last VX nerve-agent land mine that rolled through a conveyor belt on its way to incineration at the Pine Bluff Arsenal – ‘LONG TIME COMING.’ With its destruction, central Arkansas became free from the danger posed by deadly nerve agents for the first time since the 1960s, when the weapons arrived at what was once the
Army's second largest stockpile in the nation.” (Forbes; 23June08; Jon Gambrell, Associated Press)

Mescal veteran hopes his experience will help others
“When Charles 'Roy' Curtis of Mescal realized his hearing was failing, he made an appointment with a doctor at the Southern
Arizona VA Health Care System. But instead of getting fitted for hearing aids, doctors discovered Curtis had a lung tumor and is likely suffering effects of Agent Orange exposure.” (Benson News; 24June08; Terri Jo Neff)

SwRI [Southwest Research Institute] awarded grant to develop nerve agent antidote
“The U.S.
Army Space and Missile Defense Command has awarded a one-year, $1.3 million grant to the Southwest Research Institute to develop and test a nerve agent antidote that can be administered with an injection. The institute is currently in the fourth year of a six-year contract to develop and test the stability of a drug that reverses symptoms caused by exposure to a chemical warfare agent.” (San Antonio Business Journal; 24June08)

Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Protection
“Mark Seed, Subhash Anand, Baljinder Kandola and Robert Fulford review the use of impermeable, permeable and semi-permeable ensembles for
military and police forces high-threat situations, with particular emphasis on permeable systems, discussing the selection of fibres, fabrics and laminates, as well as processes. The armed forces and emergency services face an array of extreme conditions that necessitates they use protective clothing. Broadly defined these include threats from chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) materials. Moreover, in a hostile situation the clothing may also be expected to protect against ballistic impacts, shrapnel and slashing.” (Red Orbit; 25June08; Seed,

Terrorism News is prepared by the Chemical and Biological Weapons Nonproliferation Program of the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the Monterey Institute of International Studies in order to bring timely and focused information to researchers and policymakers interested in the fields of chemical, biological, and radiological weapons nonproliferation and WMD terrorism.

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