Saturday, October 14, 2006

High Technology Crime Training Conference

Editors Note: The investigation of Hi Technology crime and terrorist who use technology to facilitate crimes are very closely related. As an example, this conference has workshops on two important issues in terrorism - Cyber-Terrorism and Steganography (the science of concealing messages within photographs, etc.)

High Technology Crime Investigator's Association (HTCIA) Training Conference

The 2006 High Technology Crime Investigator's Association (HTCIA) Training Conference and Expo, is being held in Cleveland, Ohio, October 30, 2006 through November 1, 2006.

This year's event is our 20th anniversary of being a non-profit professional organization devoted to the prevention, investigation, and prosecution of high tech crime. We have over 3,000 members through out the world. Attendees are registering from the entire world for this important training event.

Information concerning registering and attending this event can be found here:

Detailed Information:
Keynote/Lunch Speakers from MySpace, U.S. Dept of Justice, and the Brazilian Forensic Computer Crime Unit. We have five rooms devoted to breakout sessions and seven rooms devoted to hands on computer labs.

Here is just a sample of the topics and classes:

Artifacts of Deletion Utilities
Cell Phone Forensics
Network Crime and Network Intrusions
Internet Browser Forensics
Linux/SMART Enterprise forensics
ProDiscover Basic Freeware Lab
Access Data FTK 2.0 Technology
Investigation the Usenet Tips and Tricks Mac Forensics
Google as an Investigative tool
Forensics on "Live" Running Networks and Systems Wireless hacking and Cell Phone Forensics
Inside Illegal World of the WAREZ
Tool Shootout for Cell Phone Forensics
AOL Forensics
Detecting and Collecting Whole Disk Encryption Media
Access Protected Registry Forensics
Ultimate Boot Disk CD for Windows
Investigating Wireless Devices
Steganography Investigations
The Handheld - The next hacker workstation Tripping over Borders in Cyberspace - Legal Issues Introduction to Malicious Software Analysis (Windows)
AccessData Rainbow Tables
Guide For Handling Cyber-Terrorism And Information Warfare Advanced Unicode and Code Page Keyword Searching Moble IP, Secure Portable Metro Networks Digital Crime Scene Forensics Cyber laundering Informal Value Transfer systems
Electronic operations traceability. A challenge for IT Managers
Dissecting The Stream, IP forensics
Cell/Mobile Phones: The Good, the Bad, the GSM
Volatile Data collection from Running Windows Machines
Bypassing the Best Laid Plans: How They Steal Proprietary Information
Fuzzy Hashing- Matching similar documents Proactive Forensics: The Data Before it Goes Bad Advanced Unicode and Code Page Keyword Searching Instant message Forensics Detecting and Extracting Steganography Using Back Track to Compromise a Network CyberCrime in Brazil Anti-forensics Using Google Desktop in forensic Investigation Handheld Forensics: Cell Phones, PDAs, and Hybrids
Google Hello, Access Data Password Cracking
The turtle tool - Peer-to Peer Investigations Maresware Tools Legal Discovery and Redaction Issues
Benefits and Risks of Undercover Internet Investig
Moving from LE into the private sector
Legal Issues in Civil Trials
Network forensics in the digital world
Benefits and Risks of Undercover Internet Investigations Proactive Online Investigation Artifacts of Deletion Utilities Malicious software & Steganography Investigations TCP/IP Protocol Analysis
Hacking with iPods and Forensic Analyst
Victims of Internet Crimes
Dissecting The Stream, IP forensics

Art Bowker
HTCIA International Secretary
Conference Chairperson

Notification sponsored by:
Raymond E. Foster, the author of Police Technology and Hi Tech Criminal Justice Online

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