Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Operations Conducted to Restore Iraqi Control

American Forces Press Service

Jan. 9, 2007 – Early today, about 1,000 Iraqi
army and coalition forces began a joint operation in Taleel Square in Baghdad, military officials reported. Soldiers from the 1st Brigade, 6th Iraqi Army Division, with support from coalition forces, are conducting targeted raids to capture multiple targets, disrupt insurgent activity and restore Iraqi security forces' control of North Haifa Street, said Lt. Col. Scott Bleichwehl, spokesman for Multinational Division Baghdad.

"This area has been subject to insurgent activity, which has repeatedly disrupted Iraqi security force operations in central Baghdad," Bleichwehl said.

Joint forces reported receiving small-arms fire, rocket-propelled-grenade and indirect-fire attacks during the operation. The targeted raids resulted in the arrest of 21 suspects. No coalition or Iraqi forces were killed in action as a result of today's operations, officials said.

Attack helicopters and fixed-wing aircraft were used in support of this operation. No coalition fixed-wing aircraft dropped ordnance in support of this operation.

Iraqi security forces remain in the area of today's operations to provide security for the citizens there. Coalition forces will continue operations in support of the Iraqi forces to restore Iraqi security force control and capture members of illegal militias, officials said.

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