[Approximately 200] soldiers nearly killed [since 2002] with Military's bioterrorism vaccine[s]
"Approximately 200 soldiers have suffered from serious and even life-threatening complications from the government-mandated smallpox vaccine, and one has even died. [...] Fears over a bioterrorist attack have led the U.S. government to require that all of its military service-people receive vaccination against a variety of diseases before deployment, including anthrax and smallpox. An estimated 1.7 million have been vaccinated against smallpox. [...] In a number of cases, the vaccine has led to severe complications such as inflammations of the brain or heart. [...] Awareness of the risks over the smallpox vaccine has prevented the government from requiring vaccination of civilians. [...] In a recent case, Lance Cpl. Cory Belken [...] was diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia, which was destroying his circulatory system, and was immediately placed on chemotherapy." (Natural News; 03Nov09)
NIAID [National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases] announces new human immunology research awards to help fight emerging infectious disease
"The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), part of the National Institutes of Health, has awarded approximately $208 million to two programs that support research to better understand the human immune response to emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases, including those that may be introduced into a community through acts of bioterrorism. The grants were awarded to the Cooperative Centers for Translational Research on Human Immunology and Biodefense (CCHI) and the Immune Mechanisms of Virus Control (IMVC), NIAID also has received approximately $21 million under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act to supplement these two programs and fund some additional researchers. [...] The long-term goal of the CCHI and IMVC programs is to identify new vaccines and drug targets." (Eureka Alert; 04Nov09)
After delay, Senate committee approves biosecurity bill
"The U.S. Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee yesterday approved a bill intended to improve security at the nation's biological research facilities. [...] The panel voted 8-1 in favor of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Prevention and Preparedness Act of 2009. 'This is an urgently needed bill, and I am pleased the committee has moved it forward,' Chairman Joseph Lieberman (I-Conn.) said in a statement. It was unclear when the full Senate would take up the legislation. The measure [...] would require the Homeland Security Department to prepare security regulations for laboratories. It would also divide the government's list of select agents and toxins into three tiers, subjecting facilities that handle the eight to 10 most harmful pathogens to the highest security. Homeland Security would be in charge of regulating those laboratories while the Health and Human Services Department would oversee sites in the remaining two tiers. Collins has estimated the measure could impact as many as 400 facilities and 15,000 individuals authorized to work with deadly pathogens." (Global Security Newswire; 05Nov09; Martin Matishak)
Plague [bacteria] attack: an international bioterrorism table-top exercise
"INTERPOL has just released details of an international bioterrorism tabletop exercise that took place in late September 2009. Senior law enforcement officials, health care professionals and experts from international organizations took part in responding to a simulated global bioterrorism attack and its aftermath. Participants in the Black Death scenario were faced with a fictional, intentional plague [bacteria] attack involving countries from their region, with the exercise designed to assist them in identifying any critical co-operation and co-ordination issues which could hinder a quick and successful response to such an attack in real life. [...] Organized by the INTERPOL Bioterrorism Unit, this exercise took place from 29-30 September in Warsaw, Poland." (Continuity Central; 04Nov09)
Anthrax bomb [sic] answers demanded
"There have been concerns about water quality and the death of cockles in the Burry estuary. The Ministry of Defence said there was no contamination following the [...]1942 [...] trial to test the biological weapon. [...Llanelli MP Nia] Griffith has now written to the MoD [Ministry of Defense] asking for further details. 'We know there was a lot of research going on during the war into germ warfare and we know this was an area that may have been used,' she said. 'Obviously all of that is top secret and they will have to look through a fair number of documents to give us the answers we want. What we really need [...] is clarification - what did happen, what were they handling and what were the consequences and was everything cleaned up?' Local councillor Hubert Hitchman said there had been long-standing rumours anthrax [spore] weapons had been tested in the estuary between Llanelli and Gower. [...] A spokesman for the MoD said: 'The Gower coast was often used for munition testing during WWII.'" (British Broadcasting Corporation; 30Oct09)
Death sentences for 2 ex-Aum [Shinrikyo] members [Toru Toyoda and Kenichi Hirose] to stand
"The [Japanese] Supreme Court on Friday upheld lower court rulings that sentenced two former members of the Aum Shinrikyo religious cult to death for their involvement in the deadly 1995 sarin nerve gas attack on the Tokyo subway system that killed 12 people and left thousands ill.
The top court's second petty bench turned down appeals from Toru Toyoda, 41, and Kenichi Hirose, 45, against the sentences by the Tokyo High Court in 2004. [...] Friday's decision is expected to eventually become final as the top court has rarely accepted such an objection. This would bring the number of former Aum members on death row to eight for their involvement in a series of crimes. Among them is Aum founder Shoko Asahara, 54, whose real name is Chizuo Matsumoto. Death penalties would stand for four of the five former Aum members who were convicted of actually dispersing the sarin gas in the subway system. [...] The death penalty is inevitable for the two men even though they committed the crime under instructions from higher cult members, justice [Yukio Takeuchi] said. Both Toyoda and Hirose had sought lighter penalties, arguing they were victims of Asahara's mind control." (Breitbart; 06Nov09)
Indiana governor [Mitch Daniels] to announce jobs at Army's Newport Chemical Depot
"Pre-empting a vote about whether to open part of the Army's Newport Chemical Depot to business development, a state board headed by Gov. Mitch Daniels said today that he will travel to the western Indiana depot to make an economic development announcement Thursday. The morning announcement will involve jobs, according to a news release from Indiana Economic Development Corp. [...] For months, talk has swirled about converting the depot [...] into something economically viable. [...] On Nov. 19, the Newport Chemical Depot Reuse Authority is expected to vote on a plan it devised to convert a swath of land at the depot to civilian use. The plan recommends that nearly 3,500 acres be set aside for potential development, along with 2,400 acres for parkland and 1,200 acres for agriculture. After the vote, the plan will be sent to the Army for consideration. It's unclear how the governor's announcement will affect those plans." (Indianapolis Star; 04Nov09)
Oregon Judge [Michael Marcus] rules for Army in incineration lawsuit [Umatilla Chemical Depot]
"Michael H. Marcus, Judge for the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, denied the petitioner's [GASP – Group Against Smog and Pollution] motion for summary judgment and entered a judgment in favor of the State of Oregon and its co-defendants in the case, including the U.S. Army. [...] Petitioners had questioned the use of [mustard agent] incineration as the best available technology, claiming that other, safer methods were readily available and should be used instead. Petitioners also alleged that the state agency had allowed the Army to operate in violation of hazardous waste laws, without a Clean Air Act Permit and without adequate characterization of wastes. [...] Judge Marcus' ruling allows the Umatilla Chemical Agent Disposal Facility to continue destruction of mustard-agent filled bulk containers at the site." (U.S. Army Chemical Materials Agency; 30Oct09)
[Umatilla Chemical] Depot plans drill wednesday [OR]
"A quarterly emergency preparedness drill is scheduled for Wednesday, Nov. 4, at the Umatilla Chemical Depot. [...] This is a coordinated exercise between the depot, the Umatilla Chemical Agent Disposal Facility, and off-post communities. [...] Chemical Stockpile Emergency Preparedness officials recommend residents develop emergency plans for their homes and businesses." (U.S. Army Chemical Materials Agency; 05Nov09)
Clorox to halt use of chlorine [a known chemical weapons agent] at bleach production sites
"Clorox Co. said today that it would begin phasing out use of chlorine in the production of bleach. Chlorine is a known chemical weapons agent that was used during World War I and more recently by insurgents in Iraq. Observers have expressed concern that would-be terrorists might target U.S. industrial plants that employ the material. Beginning with a facility in California, Clorox over the next several years will convert seven plants to use high-strength bleach rather than chlorine in the manufacturing of household bleach. 'This decision was driven by our commitment to strengthen our operations and add another layer of security,' Clorox Chairman and CEO Don Knauss said in a press release." (Global Security Newswire; 02Nov09)
Golder Associates' Colorado unit lands $29M[illion] Pueblo Chemical Depot contract
"A Colorado-based unit of Canadian engineering giant Golder Associates said Monday it has been awarded a $28.7 million contract to provide biological treatment and odor control systems at the Pueblo Chemical Depot, where chemical weapons are stored. [...] Golder will work on the project under Bechtel National Inc. as part of a team that is working on neutralizing and destroying projectiles and mortars at the Pueblo plant containing 2,600 tons of mustard agent. The 10-year project is expected to cost about $3.5 billion. In a statement, Golder said its role will be 'to design, fabricate and commission bio-treatment modules that will remove contaminants from wastewater generated by the mustard agent neutralization process.'" (Denver Business Journal; 02Nov09)
House GOP [Grand Old Party] set to challenge chemical plant security bill
"A partisan House floor fight is expected this week over legislation that would place new security requirements on facilities across the country that use or store dangerous chemicals. Tensions have simmered as the legislation made its way through House committees, stoked by heavy lobbying from the chemical industry on one hand, which wants to kill the most controversial parts of the bill, and environmental and labor groups on the other hand, which support stricter regulations. But Democrats have roundly defeated Republican efforts to water down the bill at the committee level, and are expected to prevail again on the floor. The bill would reauthorize and expand the ability of the Homeland Security Department to enforce chemical security regulations. [...] The House Rules Committee agreed Tuesday to give Republicans the ability to offer amendments during floor debate. Homeland Security Transportation Security Subcommittee ranking member Charles Dent (R-Pa.) will offer an amendment to strip out a provision that would allow the department to require chemical facilities to use safer technologies and processes. Republicans, backed by the chemical industry, argue that a safer-technology mandate would be onerous and costly for facilities." (Global Security Newswire; 04Nov09; Chris Strohm, CongressDaily)
Honduras designates OPCW National Authority
"In compliance with its obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC), Honduras has informed the OPCW that it has designated a focal point within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to assume the functions of CWC National Authority. [...] The National Authority is responsible for implementing the provisions of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) at the national level. To meet its basic obligations, each State Party must be able to submit all the required declarations, communicate with the OPCW, cooperate with other States Parties, facilitate OPCW inspections, respond to OPCW requests for assistance, protect the confidentiality of classified information, monitor and enforce national compliance and cooperate in the peaceful uses of chemistry." (OPCW; 05Nov09)
TVA [Tennessee Valley Authority] to conduct [preparedness] tests at Brown Ferry
"TVA [Tennessee Valley Authority] and other federal, state and local agencies will conduct a regularly scheduled emergency preparedness exercise for Browns Ferry Nuclear Plant on Wednesday. The exercise will involve about 1,000 Tennessee Valley Authority and state of Alabama employees and emergency responders. [...] Residents may see radiological monitoring teams or other responders in action as part of the exercise. [...] Representatives of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission will evaluate responders on the appropriateness of their actions to ensure the health and safety of the public.
The emergency exercise is part of a long-term drill and exercise program." (Times Daily, AL; 03Nov09)
New radiation monitors to be installed at Yankee Nuclear Power Plant [Brattleboro, VT]
"Entergy will install a pair of new radiation monitors at the [Vermont Yankee nuclear power] plant's site boundary. [...] A memorandum of understanding was signed between Entergy, which owns and operates Yankee, and the [Vermont] DPS [Department of Public Service]. One of the requirements of the MOU was that Entergy continuously monitor the temperature and conduct a monthly radiation surveillance of each cask. Entergy was also required to establish a protocol for reporting the results of both procedures to the DPS and the Vermont Department of Health. [...] The new radiation monitors that Entergy agreed to install are called high pressure ionization chambers [HPIC] and will supplement the thermoluminescent dosimeters the state currently uses to measure radiation four times a year at the plant's site boundary. The HPICs will be installed on new site boundary fences that the PSB is considering. [...] 'HPICs are state of the art gamma radiation measurement instruments,' said Bill Irwin, the radiological health chief for the Vermont Department of Health. 'They can measure the exposure rates of most radiation energies with excellent precision and accuracy. They are especially good for very low levels of gamma radiation, at near background levels.'" (Brattleboro Reformer; Nov09; Bob Audette)
Group [Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility] sues EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] for background on disputed radiological cleanup guide
"An activist organization last week sued the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in hopes of obtaining internal comments used in preparing a draft guide that could relax requirements for decontaminating sites affected by radiological incidents such as a dirty bomb attack, Environment and Energy Daily reported last week. The lawsuit, filed by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, seeks background analyses used by the Bush administration to formulate the draft Protective Action Guidance for Radiological Incidents. [...] Representative Edward Markey (D-Mass.) expressed concern about the draft guide last week in a letter to EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson. 'These guidelines actually allow for levels of radioactivity that are thousands of times higher than the requirements found in traditional toxic cleanup guidance,' the letter states. 'Additionally, long-term cleanup standards are proposed that are so remarkably high that they could result in a cancer risk that EPA itself estimates at a breathtaking one in four.'" (Global Security Newswire; 02Nov09)
Radiation sensors installed along U.S.-Canadian border
"The United States has finished fielding new equipment at all border crossings with Canada to aid in the detection of potential nuclear- and radiological-weapon materials, the U.S. Homeland Security Department announced yesterday. The radiation portal monitors are expected to scan all vehicles entering the United States for radiation sources that could include material in a nuclear device or a radiological dirty bomb. When the sensors pick up radiation strong enough to indicate a potential hazard, border personnel are expected to investigate the source of the reading in accordance with official procedure. [...] Radiation portal monitors are now able to scan all cargo and personal vehicles entering the United States from Canada; all mail entering the country from Mexico undergoes scanning in addition to cargo and personal vehicles." (Global Security Newswire; 06Nov09)
U.S. sends HEU [highly enriched uranium] across the globe for smuggling drill
"The United States has sent small samples of highly enriched uranium across the globe to support an international nuclear smuggling and detection exercise, the Knoxville News Sentinel reported yesterday. The National Nuclear Security Administration and the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, Tenn., spent much of the past summer obtaining permission from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to send limited amounts of enriched uranium to countries abroad. 'Y-12 is supplying small quantities of enriched uranium to certain foreign and domestic laboratories in support of the Nuclear Smuggling International Technical Working Group,' said Y-12 spokesman Steven Wyatt. 'The samples will be distributed to support an analytical exercise associated with nuclear forensics analysis.' Wyatt added that no other details would be released to the public except the information already available on the Nuclear Regulatory Commission export licenses for the uranium. [...] Australia, Brazil, Canada, the Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary and the United Kingdom were all expected to receive no more than 14 grams of the material. [...] It was not immediately known if the exercise had yet occurred. The uranium is apparently to be destroyed as part of the technical exercise." (Global Security Newswire; 06Nov09)
Clandestine labs can be hazardous to responders' health
"Clandestine laboratories present huge hazards for all responders who encounter them. Police risk injury and illness responding to the crime scene or investigating suspicious activities. Firefighters expose themselves to hazardous materials as they put out fires or try to deal with contaminated sites. And EMS providers expose themselves to the same risks trying to treat the responders and the perpetrators, who may have been adversely affected by the materials used and produced in these clandestine labs. Arthur Musselman, a hazardous materials specialist for the Georgia Police Academy, Drug Training Section, gave a presentation on clandestine laboratory safety and awareness for first responders at the 2009 EMS Expo/Firehouse Central/Enforcement Expo Southeast in Atlanta, Ga. The session was designed for responders who have little or no experience with clandestine laboratories but may, in the course of their work, encounter meth labs, bioterrorism and explosive labs in all forms. [...] Clandestine labs are used to produce drugs, biological and chemical agents and explosives and can be established virtually anywhere by anyone with a mission to produce something that is otherwise controlled or illegal, Musselman said." (Law Enforcement News; 03Nov09; Ed Ballam)
Vacant apartments host WMD exercises [Indianapolis, IN]
"Emergency workers are combing through a decrepit apartment building today as if a chemical or biological weapon were detonated in it. [...] It's a training exercise for local police, firefighters and other first responders. The scenario: a Weapons of Mass Destruction incident at the Keystone Towers, a vacant high-rise on the Indianapolis Northeastside. [...] The emergency workers were donning suits designed to protect from hazardous materials and then inspect the building for toxic residue. They may find some, even though the WMD is make-believe. [...] Two three-person teams would be going into each of the two towers shortly after 9 a.m. They will inspect each floor videotaping and documenting the conditions." (Indianapolis Star; 03Nov09)
Physical training gear does double duty for CERFP [CBRN Enhance Response Force Package] soldiers
"The Massachusetts National Guard CERFP team members say their physical training uniforms are well-suited for their mission: to find, decontaminate and evacuate disaster victims. The Massachusetts CERFP team is one of several such elements taking part in Exercise Vigilant Guard, a joint training opportunity for National Guard and emergency response organizations to build relationships with local, state, regional and federal partners against a variety of different homeland security threats including natural disasters and potential terrorist attacks. [...] CERFP [...] team members must don decontamination suits, gasmasks, rubber boots, rubber gloves and hardhats. [...] The CERFP team explained that deploying [...] in physical training uniforms, commonly known as PT clothes [...] is all about speed and safety. [...] Exercise Vigilant Guard is a national exercise sponsored by the National Guard Bureau and United States Northern Command. The Spaulding Fibre Site is just one area being used for the exercise, which more than 1300 National Guard troops and hundreds of local and regional emergency response professionals are taking part in." (Read Media Newswire; 04 Nov09)
[Round Rock] City hosts regional emergency operations training exercise, Tuesday Nov. 3 [TX]
"Flashing lights, police tape, a mobile command post, and emergency responders and their vehicles will all be part of an all-day, regional training exercise taking place in Round Rock on Tuesday, Nov. 3. Emergency responders from the City of Round Rock and throughout Williamson, Travis and Hays counties will be participating in an annual exercise designed to simulate a disaster scenario requiring regional Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosives (CBRNE) Task Force Teams to work together in a coordinated response. The exercise will include staging areas at the Dell Diamond parking lot and nearby utility facilities on U.S. 79. [...] The exercise enables emergency responders to practice plans created in response to a request from the Governor's Division of Emergency Management in 2005 for the development of regional response plans for Texas." (City of Round Rock; 03 Nov09)
[U.S.] Customs and Border Protection [officials] faulted for preparation against bio[logical], chem[ical] threats
"In a partially redacted document, the Inspector General's Office found that Customs and Border Protection officials had 'not conducted a formal risk assessment to determine which pathways, including maritime cargo, pose the highest risk of biological and chemical weapons entering the nation.' The report recommends that a formal risk assessment be carried out to make certain that Customs and Border Protection was assigning its detection resources to those points of entry that offer the greatest threat to national security. [...] Agency officials have said new detectors that would aid inspectors in the detection and identification of biological and chemical weapons are under development. The Inspector General's Office also recommended that Customs and Border Protection revisit and make current its protocols on the investigation of containers suspected of carrying chemical and biological weapons. 'Without updated policies to focus cargo inspections, biological and chemical threats may go undetected,' according to the report. Customs and Border Protection agreed with the findings of the report." (Global Security Newswire; 03Nov09)
Battelle extending ties with EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] on homeland security work
"The U.S. EPA is expanding its work with Battelle for another five years as the research and development giant helps develop the government's strategy in the event of a terrorist attack that contaminates air or water. Columbus [OH]-based Battelle on Tuesday said it was awarded a five-year, $13 million contract with the EPA, which is in charge of protecting drinking water and wastewater and cleaning up areas contaminated by a biological, chemical or radiological attack. [...] Battelle will be evaluating technology used to decontaminate water supplies, buildings and public places and monitor the quality of water and ambient air." (Columbus Business First; 03Nov09)
DeKalb firefighters get new SCBA [self-contained breathing apparatus] masks [GA]
"DeKalb County firefighters have a new tool to protect themselves when they respond to a fire or any other type of emergency. The firefighters in DeKalb County are the only ones in the state to have the high-tech $2 million equipment. Firefighters now have the use of new self-contained breathing apparatus masks or (SCBA). The SCBA masks help protect firefighters from chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear threats. So, if firefighters are dealing with an act of terrorism, they can respond to it. [...] The masks were paid for by the Federal Emergency Management Agency." (My Fox Atlanta; 05Nov09)
Government ignores Cargo Scanning Law, port operator [Gary Gilbert] says
"The Department of Homeland Security is ignoring a law that calls on it to monitor, by 2012, every container that enters a U.S. port, an executive at one of the world's leading port-operating companies charged. The United States is opening itself up to a nuclear attack or economic catastrophe, he said. 'The vulnerabilities are as great as they've ever been,' said Gary Gilbert, senior vice president of Hutchison Port Holdings, at a National Defense Industrial Association homeland security conference. 'We've got all these containers going around. We don't know where they are, and we don't know where they've been.' In 2006, Congress passed the Safe Port Act, which directs Customs and Border Protection to implement a program that would screen for radiation and contraband every container entering the country. In 2007, Congress passed the 9/11 Commission Act, which set a 2012 deadline for the department to put the program in place. [...] 'We have a law on the books, and nobody gives a rat's,' Gilbert said. 'And as a leader in the industry, my company is very concerned. What happens if we have a calamity in a container?' [...] The United States could prevent such a disaster by mandating that shipping companies employ scanning equipment, Gilbert added." (National Defense Magazine; Nov09; Austin Wright and Stew Magnuson)
First responders exercise emergency plans for Richmond [2010 Olympics prep, British Columbia]
"Tuesday's mock emergency response exercise at the former home of the Steveston Packers will serve the city well during the Olympics and beyond, according to city spokesperson Ted Townsend. More than 140 federal, provincial and municipal organizations participated in Exercise Gold, the third and final Olympic security exercise that will help officials coordinate duties and responsibilities in the event of a major emergency. [...] The mock scenario [...] included a snow blowing machine, and the disaster is sparked by the introduction of a toxin to the blower, which leads to people suddenly falling ill en masse and exhibiting symptoms from vomiting to coughing and respiratory distress. [...] This week-long exercise is part of a larger scenario, Townsend explained, in which police were called to a home in Delta one night earlier, where they found someone working with what's suspected to be nuclear materials, and then identifying a terrorist threat incorporating the use of nuclear toxins [sic] and a plan to disrupt the games." (British Columbia Local News; 03Nov09; Martin van den Hemel, Richmond Review)
U.S. to remove N[orth] Korean WMDs in contingency
"U.S. forces in Korea will take charge of securing or eliminating weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) in North Korea when contingency situations occur, even after South Korea takes over wartime operational control (OPCON) of its troops from the United States in 2012, according to Korean and American military officials here. The plan is part of a newly developed Korea-U.S. operational plan (OPLAN), codenamed 5029, to respond to any type of internal instability in the communist state, they say. U.S. Gen. Walter Sharp, commander of the ROK-U.S. Combined Forces Command (CFC), confirmed the move. [...] Both militaries agreed that American forces will still spearhead operations to eliminate North Korean WMDs and Marine amphibious assaults after the OPCON transfer on April 17, 2012. A South Korean CFC commander said that under OPLAN 5029, either South Korean and U.S. troops would conduct stabilizing operations in North Korea, such as securing the North's WMDs and nuclear sites, in a flexible manner in case of an emergency. 'There are various case-by-case scenarios in the operational plan," the commander said."Both troops will conduct contingency operations jointly or independently in accordance with emerging situations. That is, the U.S. military will take charge of WMD elimination works if needed.'" (Defense News; 05Nov09; Jung Sung-Ki)
AAAS [American Association for the Advancement of Sciences] Chief [Alan Leshner] calls for greater EU-US [nuclear and radiological security] research cooperation
"The EU and the US must forge stronger research ties in order to tackle the greatest challenges facing the world today, Alan Leshner, CEO of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), told attendees at the inaugural annual lecture of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) in Brussels, Belgium. [...] Dr Leshner noted that [...] 'The US and Europe should be collaborating on all these issues!' [...] Dr Leshner and the JRC (represented by its Director-General Roland Schenkel) signed a Memorandum of Understanding between their two organizations. The three-year agreement will see the JRC and the AAAS organize joint workshops, collaborate on the publication of reports and share information on key issues. The first activities under the agreement are likely to focus on nuclear forensics, nuclear and radiological security, and technologies for the monitoring of arms control treaties." (Cordis News; 29Oct09)
CNS ChemBio-WMD Terrorism News is prepared by the Chemical and Biological Weapons Nonproliferation Program of the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the Monterey Institute of International Studies in order to bring timely and focused information to researchers and policymakers interested in the fields of chemical, biological, and radiological weapons nonproliferation and WMD terrorism.
Friday, November 06, 2009
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