Thursday, November 05, 2009

Pioneering Iraqi Women Graduate Basic Combat Training

American Forces Press Service

Nov. 5, 2009 - The Iraqi army graduated 42 women here as the first all-female class to complete its enlisted basic combat training course. Iraqi Staff Brig. Gen. Mohammed Abdul Razq, deputy director of the tactical training directorate and Iraqi Staff Col. Mohammed Abdul Rahman Essa, deputy commander of the Regional Training Center, delivered congratulatory remarks to the pioneering women at an Oct. 29 graduation.

Iraqi army recruit Junde Lubab Ibrahim Kaleel said she was very excited about graduation. "It is important for me, for Iraqi women and for Iraq because we have a chance for a new life for the next generation," she said.

Iraqi army recruit Junde Mona Kidam said she was happy about graduating. "It felt like being in college," she said.

The new soldiers proceed now to their newly assigned units, with the top five honor graduates selected to work for Iraqi general officers.

Ongoing training continues at their home units.

(From a Multinational Security Transition Command Iraq news release.)

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